Sunday, February 10, 2013

10 Toes

This evening as the boys and I were eating dinner with my mom, the boys were trying to find gloves to play outside in the snow. My mom was looking for gloves and Tobyn and Tanner were finishing their dinner.  This was the conversation that followed:

Grandma "I have enough gloves for 4 hands"

Tobyn looking slightly confused with hands and fingers outstretched  "I have 10"

Grandma "Those are fingers"

Tobyn staring at his hands "oh!"

Tanner (while sitting next to Tobyn) after counting his fingers "I have 10 finger too!"

Grandma "How many toes do you have?"

Tobyn "Probably the same..."

Tanner looking very defiant and sure says "No!" then proceeds to count his toes "1, 2, 3,....10! Hey I DO have 10 toes!" and then looks at Tobyn like he has just discovered the greatest thing.

I swear I have taught my children they have 10 toes and fingers but apparently it is something you have to learn on your own!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas day was really nice! It was pretty quiet, but I enjoyed it more than last year. Last year was our first Christmas away from most of the family and so it was really hard. Luckily both years we've had my mom around so it makes it much better!

The kids were super excited for presents! So excited Tobyn could hardly see :-)

Checking out the goods....

Tanner is in his Batman costume! (I'm not really sure about the nice collard shirt, but I guess it was the first thing he grabbed to put on)

TC and Titus checking out their new guns.

Toby and Tate got Mario kart race track.

Part of the best day was we got SNOW! It was so exciting! We loved having a white Christmas and with having no where to go the next day we didn't mind that it stuck around for a day or two. 

We ended the day with a few friends coming over to visit. I love Christmas and was so happy to spend it with my family!