As I read my friend’s and Family’s blogs and hear stories of things that are happening in other people’s lives, it makes me more grateful than I can even begin to express for the things that I have. So I have decided to make a list of the things I am grateful for.
My wonderful Husband
My beautiful boys
Mine, and my families, health
My husbands job, and the fact that he comes home every night
My mom
My mother-in-law, My Father-in-law- ALL my in-laws
My Dad, even though he’s not here to read this
The smiles my boys give me every day and every night
My home, and the fact that it has air conditioning and a heater.
The Gospel, and the hope it gives me.
My friends, and their support
A free country, where there is a grocery store on every corner, and the right to an opinion that can be expressed
I could go on and on…I wrote all these things down not to brag about what I have or anything else, but so that I can see, written down, the blessing that I have. I hope that I can be strong when others need me and grateful for the things I have even when times are hard.
I pray for all my friends and family who are having potentially crushing hard trials. May you and your families stay strong and be blessed.