Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Home school?

Todd and I are debating on whether or not to home school the boys. It's a HUGE decision and one we will not take lightly!

I have SO many thoughts about it, I had to write it all out to hopefully clear my brain. We value education in our family. Todd went to college, I'm in college, we want the boys to go...will home schooling be enough? Can I and will I have the motivation to keep my kids going? Can we work well enough together that I don't want to strangle them?

I want them to get a good education, and that doesn't mean that public school isn't good enough...but is it? I am a product of public school and I turned out OK right?! (don't be to harsh if you disagree) I think it is an Ok system, but I think there are many things that could be better also.

Todd's schedule is pretty crazy. 4 days on 3 days off. He wishes he could see the boys more and work with them home school part of a solution for that?

I have all of these grand ideas and hope they can carry us far, but I worry about it. It's a matter of fasting and prayer. I am using this summer to maybe do a little bit of a test run and see if I can get us on some type of good schedule to have fun while learning and to see if the boys are on board with it.

I wish there was a fool-proof way to raise kids, but hey, if we there was where would all the fun be? (it's fun right!....right?) I really just want to make the best decision for our family. I know there isn't one-way-works-all for kids and I want to just figure out which way will work best for mine.

*sigh* hopefully I can figure this out.


Whitney said...

I was thinking about a test run right before I read that you were going to do one this summer. :) I think that's a great idea, just to see if you are all up for it. It's a big decision. I have a cousin that decided to homeschool their 7 children (yes, insane I know. There's no way I could do it...) after one of them had problems with dyslexia. I know you'll make the right decision. Good luck! Let me know if there is anything I can do.

oodlesofoversons said...

Does Texas have the home school program that you basically do online?I think it's called eschool. That way you can work with Todd's schedule, but maybe isn't too much of you doing all the teaching. Just a thought. Good luck!