Friday, April 30, 2010


Today Todd graduated. I am so proud of him! I know that some might be sick of hearing about it, or maybe I make it a bigger deal than it is. But the truth is I don't care. I am not saying that what others have done wasn't as hard or that we had it easy, for us, at this time, this is a HUGE accomplishment!
5 1/2 years ago I never would have thought about Todd going to school. He had a good job driving trucks for his dad. While he enjoyed it, he wasn't sure that he wanted to do it forever. We talked about going back to school and he just was never quite sure. Then one day he told me "I think I want to go into Aviation" I laughed and thought "ok, here we go" So we signed him up for classes. It was January of '05 that he started. I had just found out, about a week after he started, that I was expecting our 4th child. We were broke, weren't sure how we were going to survive the journey, and knew that it would be a long road. All I knew was that if I prayed for a way, and it felt right, than we were going to jump and have faith that the net would appear to get us through.
It did. It appeared many times and we came to crossroads or sometimes what we thought would be road blocks. Our family has been a wonderful source of support and love though out the entire process. Without baby sitters, shoulders to cry on, and the talents of a few writers, papers would not have been written, I might have ended up in a loony bin, and we would not have had the strength to go on. For all those things we are eternally grateful. With out our family and the Lords help we would not have made it.
Todd is such a great man. He has schooled full time, worked full time, fathered full time, and been a husband full time, for the past 5 years. How he did all that full time, I am not sure. But some how he managed to keep it all together. People say that I have done a lot of work also along the way, and I feel like I have the right to say that I have. But Todd is the one who had to show up for classes and do the work. I love him and am so proud of all the work that he has done.
So what's in the future? I am not sure. Our road is still unlit. For now, he will continue flight instructing as he has for the past 2 years, and continue to look for a more permanent, better paying, job. We hope to find something this summer so that if a move is involved we can switch the kids schools, before the new school year. A possible masters is also in the works. We are kicking tires about doing a masters program, but not until at least a 6 month break. I think we have had about as much as we can handle for the time.
Todd isn't sure yet what to do with all of his free time. I love it when others ask "What's your plan for this summer" and he says " to spend as much time as I can with my family, now that schools done" And that's what I look forward to also. Time with my family!


Unknown said...

YAY!!! Congrats

Shana said...

Top notch work to Todd! That's so exciting. I understand the feeling of graduating from college -- it's the best.

oodlesofoversons said...

Congrats, once again, to ALL of you! You deserve some down time! xo

Darci said...

Yaay for Todd (and you too!) Someday we'll get Jed there too.Thanks for our chilly times in Montana!