We had an AWESOME day yesterday. Todd was planning on working the whole day, so I was planning on just hanging out with his family. But being such a good man, he canceled his students, even when it was going to be holiday pay, and hung out with us.
We took my table (a project I'm working on) down to sand and just had a lazy afternoon. Then about 5:30 everyone came over to Teresa and Clark's for a BBQ. We sure know how to do food. It was SO yummy. Then the games began. I think we had 20 people there and only 5 weren't family. Actually including kids I think it was more than that, but I'm to lazy to count. The only person we missed (and she really was missed) was Kim, who was on her way back from Vegas.
The games included, 5 kill (played by all boys except a brave Kaddie), Ninja, Never have I ever, then over to the park to play football (ultimate Frisbee style), pump and just running around fun. I am so blessed to be able to call Todd's family my own. We enjoy playing and spending time with them. I love the big family feel and I think that is why I had more kids even after I said I was done with 3 (but YES we are DONE now!) so that they can be friends and have great times growing up.
I am thankful for the men and women who sacrificed their lives before us, and who are serving now to fight for our freedom and keep us free. We are truly blessed to live in such a great and chosen country.
On a side note. Todd got a call from a company to set up an interview date. We are not sure yet if it will be "the job", it has some major drawbacks like really crappy pay and he would be based back east, but it is nice to at least have the opportunity for him to go through the interview process and get out his first interview- jitters.