Monday, September 13, 2010

Quick Update

This will be a quick update since I need to leave to get Todd from the airport in 15 min.

Today Todd had an interview with American Eagle. This is the job we REALLY want and are praying our wants and needs might meet on this one. The main base is in Dallas, where we REALLY want to be. We have several friends and a few relatives down in that area so it would be a nice place to live and establish some roots for our family.
The last I heard from him is that he got a letter of pre-employment, which means he has passed the interview thus far. Now the waiting game begins. He will have to wait to find out if he passes the background check...not too nervous about this one...and make it through the cut of the final hiring board....this is the part we are slightly nervous about, he made it this far with Colgan and got the denial letter 2 weeks later. But honestly we weren't all that surprised. Anyway...back to American Eagle. It can take up to a month for the process to finish. So hopefully I have fingers left by then and have not completely chewed them to bits with anticipation.
This was a quick update, and I am not sure if I got all the facts right. I will let Todd do more of a complete update and post his feelings on the whole stay tuned.


Diana said...

Exciting! I hope this one works out for you guys. Let us know when you hear anything more! And enjoy being together again :).

Tracey Minaker said...

Praying that everything works out the way you want it to. We will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel! I thought I would go crazy when we were waiting for Christians job to go through. Hang in there :) it all works out in the end!

Whitney said...

Good luck vibes coming your way. Keep yourself busy by doing more projects!!!

Megan B ♥ said...

OH, wowzers! TO BE CONTINUED then!!`