Monday, October 25, 2010
He did it again...
Remember this nap.....
Well, he did it again. I swear I put him down for regular naps, but I guess when your tired you sleep.
Friday, October 22, 2010
We are moving again, yes again. Call me crazy to move for (hopefully) only 8 weeks. Yes I know it is in a smaller space, yes I know I am leaving friends, yes I know all these things and more. The point is I feel like this will be a good move for my sanity. So....unless your willing pay the gas bill and the bill for my psychiatric treatment after having to take kids down to Provo everyday....and back for Tobyn....and back again....well you get the idea, this is how it's going to be.
Thanks Teresa and Clark for putting up with us for a while.
Just a frustrating day...I'm sure I'll get over it quickly.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
At last....a JOB update!
We are SO excited! We don't know a ton of the details, but what we do know is he will fly in to Dallas this week and get a drug and hearing test done and, as of right now, he will start his training on Nov. 8th in Dallas.
I think the first day is when he will find out where he will be based out of. We are still really hoping for Dallas, for so many reasons, but the Lord has directed us this far so here we go...
A little side story. All through school Todd and I had many thoughts about either switching careers, moving to up the chances of jobs, or changing his degree. Any time we prayed about it we would get the feeling that we needed to just stick it out and do what we were doing until he graduates. It was frustrating, super frustrating. We knew there was something on the horizon but never could see what it was. Typical.
During the graduation ceremony Todd stood in line next to a man that was graduating in his same department. Todd got talking to him and discovered that this man was a recruiter for American Eagle (AE). Todd told him he was looking for a job and was really interested in that company. The man told Todd that he didn't have enough multi-engine time, and that AE was not flexible on that, but he would forward his resume' and keep in touch...
Time passed and we had pretty much written AE off. But one day Todd got an email from the guy that said "Get me your updated resume' ASAP they have lowered their minimums." Todd did...and the rest is history.
So funny answer to a prayer. Wait until graduation....graduation day is when Todd met job few months later. Prayers are answered and we are grateful. I have always known prayers are answered either in our way or the Lords way. We are just so grateful it is with a company we were hoping for!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I am a woman and I am beautiful
This post is a complete pep talk for my self. It is NOT hunting for compliments, more of a sole searching if you will. If you decide to read on, I hope it is a pep talk for you also.
I have a had several thoughts go through my head lately as I have had many conversation with friends, family, and others that have made me think. I need to get them out before I burst. I may wonder and ramble but I do have a point and I will get to it.
I often wonder, as many women do, if I am good enough. Am I pretty enough? Does my husband like what he sees? Am I skinny enough? Am I talented enough in the things I try to do? Am I a good enough hair dresser? Are my crafts as cute as the ones on the blog I saw or as good of a decorator as so and so...? Am I good mom? Along with those questions I have the questions that go with being the only child and revolve mostly having/being a sister. Will any one care for me like sisters care for each other? Will I be alone? Can I show the other women in my life how much I appreciate them?
These questions never seemed to be answered. I have heard all the talks in Conference, and other church meetings. I have read the scriptures and never can seem to make myself believe it. I have always been told that Utah is a special place, full of talented, beautiful, smart, wonderful moms. I feel "the pressure" to look and be as good as the rest of them. Not have what they have, but be what they are. As the prospect of moving has been on our mind I think "maybe I can escape that feeling where there are new people and I can start fresh in proving my self worthy"
But as I thought about all these things I think...there are going to be talented, skinny, beautiful, smart people where ever I go. The world is FULL of them! It is my pleasure to know many, many, many of them! And I am starting to realize that the "good enough" feeling is going to have to change from the inside out. I am starting to understand, in a very small way, what "they" mean. I need to remember that I am who I am. I am a woman, I am beautiful, I AM a daughter of God who loves me and knows me. I need to remind my self that my husband loves me. He tells me often, and he shows me all the time with the little things he does for me. I have a mom that loves me and shows me all the time. They think I am beautiful, not because I wear designer jeans or the latest fashion, but because I am me. I need to remind myself of that all the time! I need to quit seconded guessing my self. I may not be as good as everyone else, but I don't have to be. I don't need better or even as good as everyone else. I am who I am and thats OK. There is room for improvement, but there is in everybody. We all have things we are working on and that's OK.
Like I said before I have thought about sisters. What it means to be one, to have one. In the not so distant past, it used to bother me that I don't have one. I used to feel really alone in that aspect of my life. I watched my dear sister-in-law loose a baby and thought that maybe if I was her blood sister I could help her more or what I could do different to comfort her. I would wish I had a sister to call that would understand my problems that I am going through. I also have watched my mom over the years and see the loving way she comforts and talks to her siblings and what a great bond that is and be somewhat envious of that relationship. It sort of became a pity party for me.
But again thinking and reading and some "sole searching" I realized that I DO have sisters. My in-laws may not be blood related (and that is a really good thing or we would have some issues to work through) but I have been with them since I was 16 years old. I grew up with these wonderful girls. I have learned to lean on them, love them, sometimes even fight with them. I love them all. Kim, Heather, Jillynn and even Kady are all very much my sisters. We have our differences as do any sisters but I wouldn't trade any of them and they have helped me become who I am and willing (most of the time) put up with me. When Nichole married Nic, I realized I had gained another sister. I love her, we talk, we cry, we fight, and we play. She has listened to me, when I have had no one else to talk to. I realized that even though I am not her "sister" I did the best I could and can do to comfort her within the relationship that we have. Just because these "girls" are not blood related should not make me feel intimidated to help them and show them how much I appreciate them.
I am blessed to have the life I have and the people in it. I am glad that I have such a wonderful family. I love you all!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Football and Updates.
This has been our life for the past 2 weeks...and will be until the end of October...
TC's team doing awesome!
Titus's team.
Tate doing a super job!
Don't get me wrong, I am NOT complaining at ALL. In fact I am really enjoying it. The boys seem to be having a blast with it, and doing well in their games (not that it matter, it's all about having fun right?) Another plus to the whole deal is that TC and Titus's games, despite being at the same time, is that they are playing on neighboring fields. A lot of the time I can plant my self between the two fields and cheer for both! I know it will be crazy when the boys are ALL in sports, but I am actually kind of looking forward to cheering for all the Christensen Boyz.
I am still really enjoying doing Pampered Chef. I have had several shows. I enjoy the "girls" night out and meeting fun new people. I am always taking referrals so if you would like to do a show or know someone who would let me know.
We continue to wait on news from Todd's job. We both feel really good about it. The rumor is it takes a full 4 weeks to hear back and for a phone call to let him know when to get his drug test done. It will be 4 weeks on Monday, and 1 month on the 13th. Our fingers are crossed as we try to wait patiently. Hopefully my next post will be all about the job and a training date...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
2010 Family Pics!
So about 1 week ago we had our family pictures taken. My cousin Julie so willingly took us on as a test shoot. I LOVE them! I debated for quite a while on what to wear, I had an idea to take them at an old metal factory with Clarks old Ford. Between the car, the color of the factory, my final choice of color, and Julie's wonderful skills, I think they turned out great!
I don't mean to brag, and all my kids are wonderfully cute, but I think this shot could win a baby contest or two ;-)
Todd and the boys, I couldn't find the one where Tobyn's face is hilarious, but this one is in close 2nd! He smiled so funny!
A beautiful shot of parts of the car. Again, she has a good eye for this sort of thing...
Another picture I LOVE,LOVE, LOVE! I love the whole scene! Just the way Todd is sitting with's just such a great "Dad" shot!
Todd and I
The whole family. I never can quite seem to get all the boys smiling nicely at the same time, but I love their personalities.
Our usual all boy shot. I think this one is just going to be a tradition...
My handsome bunch...I love these guys!
My wonderful mom
I wish I could just post the whole gallery. I think they are all wonderful. I can't wait to have some walls to hang them up on and update the boys individual pictures (those were pretty cute too if I say so) So much better than the yucky school pics (no offense to anyone who loves those!) Thanks again Julie, you did awesome!
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