Friday, October 24, 2008

ahh...back in the day

So I had to go run errands usual...and I had to pass by Provo High around their lunch time. I watched a kid slow down in his truck so that one of his fellow PHS mates could throw a ketchup packet at another fellow PHS mate...who...from what I could tell was not fond of this idea, nor had any idea that that was what was thrown at him. Then as I turned the corner I saw another kid run across the street and his buddy tackled him when he got across and acted like he was going to throw him back into the street.
Why write this, You ask... because watching all these shenanigans got me thinkin' (insert cloud bubble here full of Connie walking through the hall of high school) That I DO NOT miss high school. I have fond memories of SOME of the stuff that happened there...and maybe that was because I had a big boyfriend who saved me from all the stupid stuff I did...or maybe it could have been more had I lasted longer....but, the point is I am glad I am out and that I would not repeat those years.
The other day even as I looked at pictures from back in the day, I thought...WHAT WAS I THINKING! Never mind the outfits, the hair, the silly faces, the awkwardness,but it is so unfortunate that we all have to go through that...and if you don't think you did...don't kid your self, go back and take a look at the pictures!
For any of you reading this thinking "I loved high school!" to that I say good for you! You got the most out of a bad, no not bad, ummm, hmmm, what's the word I am looking for...well it's not coming to me... situation.
So to all those you made it to the end of this crazy post, again good for you...It was pointless I know, but it felt good to get it out. I think I'll go have some chocolate now and dream of the years to come when my children must experience such a thing as High School!


Megan B ♥ said...

It makes me shiver for our children. Though you've inspired me to dig out some old high school pictures to relive the really really bad hair days.

Leah said...

I loved your high school story on saturday, kind of reminds me of me. I just want to know one thing, how do you have time to be a mom to 5 and blog???

Allie said...

yeah I'm so glad that time of my life is gone, well most of the time, I couldn't wait to get out of high school.

Carrie said...

I hear you! Even though High School was fine, I would not want to go back and do it again! I think Jr. High is even worse though - and yet we somehow survived.