Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Todd and I just got back from such a nice a weekend (or week beginning) in St. George. It was SO nice! Todd and I have never had a chance to get a way with out children. I have been pregnant or nursing, since being married, and we had this great chance to go for 3 days! The boys stayed with my in-laws and had a good time. It allowed me to relax with out worrying. Thanks again Teresa and my mom!
Knowing our 10 year anniversary was coming, we saved and with out too much money spent we were able to enjoy a very nice couple of days! We stayed in a cute B&B. We enjoyed a nice breakfast every morning, a pool in the hot afternoon, and going to a nice dinner in the evening. It's hard to take pictures when It's just us two and we didn't do anything super exciting. We did go mini-golfing one day and toured the Brigham Young winter home. We also walked around the outlet and drove past the temple. We took a book (yes, the twilight series again!) and got a lot of reading done! Again, so nice when you don't have some one yelling "MOM!" every two or three minutes.
Thanks again, babe for a wonderful time and the chance to spend time just with you!

The golfing experience...

The Brigham Young Winter Home. The plates in the picture are steam plates. They would fill the bottom with hot water to keep the dinner warm while they ate. I think it's a great idea! Mom's every where could enjoy a hot meal if those were still around :-)

We were excited to see our cute boys when we got home....The only down side to coming home...
Yup's broken. More pics and explanation of him when it's in a hard cast.


oodlesofoversons said...

SO glad you guys got to have a little getaway. Good for you! And I love your hair. And poor Tobyn...!

haley said...

I'm so glad you got a much needed vacay!! I love getting away without kids sometimes. It reminds you that you do love what you're doing when you get a break.

Megan B ♥ said...

I'm so glad you were able to get away, you hot blond bombshell. Pooooooor widdle Tobyn...