On the first day of school here in Texas, TC got assigned a "friend" to show him around school, give him the rundown, where all the classrooms are, all that good first-day-need-to-know kind of stuff. The friend that volunteered was a girl named Abby.
TC and Abby hit it off from the start and became very good friends. I had the pleasure of meeting Abby when I got to eat lunch with TC and one friend of his choosing. I was a little shocked, happy and proud of my son that day. Shocked, because he invited a (cute) girl to sit with us (boys don't like girls yet). Happy, because he trusted me enough that he knew I wasn't going to freak out or tease him about it (I could tell he was nervous when they walked up). Proud, because, well I just was. Its a father/son thing... I can't explain it... guy code stuff.
About a week ago, Abby asked TC if he reads the Bible. TC was caught off guard, and kind of stumbled through a "I-wasn't-sure-what-to-say" answer and was a little embarrassed. Connie had asked what he told her, and he said that he told her "Yes, we read the Bible" but he did know how to explain the Book of Mormon. After feeling a little like we totally dropped the ball as parents, we had a good discussion about the gospel.
Tonight we had the ward missionaries over to visit and before they left they challenged us as a family to find someone to share the gospel with. We all took turns, one by one, accepting the challenge. I noticed TC had a little to much enthusiasm, I thought he was just being a dork so I didn't think much of it.
After they left I was walking past the boys backpacks and picked up a Book of Mormon that was lying on them and going to put it away when TC stopped me and said it was for Abby. I was a little shocked, he'd thought this up on his own. I told him to write his testimony in the cover before he gave it to her. He thought that was a good idea, and asked if I would help him. Again, I'm so proud of TC (all my boys for that matter).
He asked if we could go in the den were it was nice and quite. When we got in there I asked what he wanted to testify to her about. He said he didn't know what he should write to inspire her to read it, so I suggested we pray first. I could totally feel the spirt come into the room, I could see how much sincerity he has in his heart for what he is about to write. He tells me, "Dad, I feel good about this. I know this is the right thing to do." I'll be honest, I was using all the emotional power I have to hold the damn of tears back.
This is his testimony that he put of the first page of her book:
"This book is really special because it is another testament of Jesus Christ. This book teaches the same principals of the Bible. I have read this book and I believe it is true. I believe in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost. I testify to you that I know this book is true. Read this book and pray about its truthfulness and the Lord will tell you it is. Before you start, read Moroni 10:4-5 (pg 529) Todd Christensen"
He asked Connie to make a book mark for her and we put the scripture, James 1:5-6 on it. He said, "Tonight when I say my personal prayers I'm going to ask for the spirt to be with me so I'm not afraid to give it to her tomorrow." I don't know when he started to plan all this, but he came up with it on his own.
Connie and love our boys so much! We are scared to death for them to grow up, we're not ready for it. They are growing so fast, some times we feel like we can't keep up. Then we get a awesome parenting experience like this and it brings into perspective the big picture and that its all worth it.