Saturday, August 13, 2011

An almost, not so much wanted, guest

So this morning it is RAINING!! LOVE IT! We've kind of seen it threaten a few times but this time it started last night and is still going. You know it's hot when 75 feel like you need a jacket. But we are grateful it's raining. With the drought we'll take anything we can get!

I opened the backdoor, and decided to let a little muggy fresh air in. Not for long, just while I did a few little things, went and got my clothes and put a batch of laundry in. I hear from the front room Max making a funny noise and it sounded like another funny noise but I couldn't tell what it was.

I walked into the front room and Max is at the back door, nose on the ground, looking very wary. I kind of shooed him back in carefully to make sure nothing was IN the house, pulled up the blinds, and saw this guy:

I've seen frogs/toads before. When I spent a summer in Illinois you could see them after it rained jumping through puddles. But I have never seen one this big and 6" from my back door! I tried to get something that you can see it's size, but the only thing close enough (I wasn't about to go closer and PUT something next to it!) was this rebound net of my boys. It's about as tall as I am.

You would think I would quit being such a wimp and get used to seeing new and big things around here, and getting so grossed out by bugs, frogs, snakes,....but I guess not, but as a mom of all boys you would think that would HAVE to change...but nope! I guess my back door is never safe left open *sigh*

1 comment:

Whitney said...

That thing is HUMONGOUS!!!