Thursday, April 26, 2012

He did it again!

This is TC's "really mom, your taking ANOTHER picture?!" face. 
I wasn't so great about posting when he got his cast off of his LEFT arm 1 month ago! But yesterday he fell (Note: TC in background saying "mom! I was pushed!) during PE. A few of the kids were messing around and one kid shoved into him and he fell and broke the RIGHT arm.


2 broken arms in 3 months. oh-dear! This cast is so much bigger because of where the break is. It is in his lower arm near the wrist and it is only one bone. No straightening needed (thank goodness!) but it hurts him to twist his arm (think of twisting like opening a door) and because that requires your whole arm it has to me immobilized clear up past the elbow.

Another good bit of news is it will only require this big cast for 3 weeks, then it will be determined if he will be in a brace for another 2 weeks or a short cast for another 2 weeks.

Maybe bubble wrap for the kid?

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