Saturday, September 3, 2011

Our house

This post is mostly for family (but anyone can look ;-) )who wanted a tour of the house. I like it. It's a little bigger than our last one, the yard is bigger and we're on a flat street so the kids can ride their skateboards and bikes easier. It's a pretty quiet neighborhood, there is only 3 streets to it. We don't know many of our neighbors yet, but we're hoping to get to know some. A first for us....we're the only members in this neighborhood.

Family room:

Dinning room:
Boys room:
2nd bathroom:
other boys room:
Master bedroom:
Master bath:
And there you have it. It's all a pretty big mess right now, but it IS only 5 days since we moved in.


Diana said...

It looks like a GREAT house! And I think my house is messier (we moved in on Monday, so I guess we're at the 5-day mark, too!).

Good luck getting settled...again. It's not fun to move, but there's always a reason in hindsight!

Take care!!

Aaron and Kaime said...

I love the house. It is HUGE!! So nice.. Hope things are going well out there.

Megan B ♥ said...

Wow, it's a WONDERFUL house!!! I hope you are able to settle in quickly and happily to these new digs and I pray you all make fast friends with the neighbors! Love and hugs!