Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday Tid-bit

Not sure if I'll stick with the theme every Tuesday but a couple of tib-bits

Insanity workout truly is insane! Love it, but insane. Dying after the fitness test...

If we think we have it bad, look around, someone always has it worse. My heart goes out to those who are dealing with major struggles right now, and it sure makes me appreciate what I have.

We've been in the house 1 week and a day. Most things are unpacked. Loving the space. I made 2 new friends on Sunday. Yay for friends!

I need to figure out what to do with Tanner during the day. Poor kids is pretty bored with out brothers to play with and a mom who has to do her own homework.

Loving the cooler weather! Could yesterday have been more perfect? Think not!

A few projects I want to dive into and still need to work on those gifts from my Feb. post.

That's about it. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Darci said...

Love the tidbits, I may steal this idea!